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Tips on wearing high heels without suffering

Heeled shoes, which are indispensable for women, can hurt their feet when they are worn for a long time. Well, is it possible to wear heels without suffering?

Heeled shoes, which are the object of women's desire, are indispensable, especially for business women. The high-heeled shoes that show a stylish and sexy look make women feel more attractive and attractive. The highly aesthetic appearance of high-heeled shoes while suffering while wearing cinten the heels of high-heeled shoes.The heels that make women happy can also suffer at the same time.
Stiletto Party High Heels


- The material of the shoes you buy is very important. Breathing, non-sweating and natural materials made from heeled shoes promise a more comfortable and healthy walk. The fact that the base of the shoe is too slippery or hard is also helping you to walk more comfortably while wearing the shoe

- If the form of the shoe, that is, its width and length, is compatible with your footwork, the risk of puking your foot on the heel shoe also falls.

- Leaving the choice of shoes in the evening gives more satisfying results as the foot form expands. Checking your foot number often makes it easier to get the right shoes.

It is very important to try outstanding shoes while wearing high shoes and wearing a pair of shoes. This way you can get in the way of choosing the wrong shoes.

- How far forward your feet because of the heel is also important in choosing shoes.The shoes that are too far ahead are not compatible with your foot shape.

- You can place an orthopedic base in your heel shoes to make your feet more comfortable, or you can place silicone pads in front of or behind your feet. So you can spend long hours on heels.

- You should not wear the same shoes every day. So you avoid pain in your feet. At the same time wearing different heels of shoes every day also prevents foot pain.

- Your toenails play a part in getting a regular pedicure and nailing your nails and wearing comfortable heels.

- The shoes with large and reinforced heels provide more comfortable wear. Take care to buy heeled shoes in which your feet are not stuck and comfortable.

- If you want to walk freely with your heeled shoes all day, you should choose shoes that do not exceed 5 cm in height. This can cause your feet to become painful due to the height of the shoes on the neck.

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